Best Silane Siloxane Concrete Sealers

The best Silane Siloxane concrete sealers. Silane Siloxane concrete sealer reviews.

When it comes to water repellent sealers, like Silane-Siloxane concrete sealers, the solids percentage is associated with active materials. TheĀ  more active materials in the solution, the more aggressive the bead and the more protection the sealer is capable of offering. Here are a few tips when purchasing Silane-Siloxane concrete sealers:

  • Silane Siloxane sealers are available in water and solvent based solutions. Water based solutions tend to have a lower solids content where as solvent based solutions tend to have a higher solids content.
  • Local hardware stores, like Home Depot and Lowes, only offer low solids solutions (2-8% solids). They are easy to come by and are available at a favorable price point of $20/gallon. The problem with low solids solutions is that they offer minimal protection and don’t last long. Consider instead searching online for an industrial grade, high solids solution (40% solids). A high solids solution will perform noticeable better and last significantly longer than a low solids solution.

Silane Siloxane sealers are very easy to apply. The following video was submit by Foundation Armor, a leading silane-Siloxane chemical manufacturer:

Silane Siloxane application tips:

  • When applying a silane Siloxane concrete sealer, space the coats out 24 hours. This will allow the first coat to fully cure, leaving you with more protection above and below the surface.
  • Use a roller to apply a silane-Siloxane concrete sealer. If you are not experienced with applying sealers, or using sprayers, a roller will make for a quick, easy, and efficient application.
  • Apply silane-Siloxane sealers to concrete that is completely dry. If water or moisture is present during the time of application it could prevent the sealer from properly reacting.

Author: admin